Paper Census


Paper Census is a collaboration between Austin Tech Alliance and the City of Austin to identify paper-based processes that are a hassle for Austin residents and then research, design, and deliver digital prototypes.

In 2017, Austin City Council passed the Smart Cities Strategic Roadmap directing City staff to identify smart initiatives that can solve local challenges and improve City services. This led to the realization that many City departments first needed to move past paper-driven processes in order to fully benefit from smart city opportunities.

ATA then stepped up to create the Paper Census: a collaborative effort with the City of Austin to identify paper-based processes and develop digital prototypes.

Our Goal

Digitizing paper-driven forms will improve access to services, slash costs, and create endless opportunities for data-informed decision-making.

Paper Census will identify and prioritize City of Austin services that reap the most benefits from a paperless transformation. It’s a win-win for residents and City employees.


the Austin community


existing paper processes


with experts and residents


researched and tested digital prototypes to City departments

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