Catching up with ATA’s interns: Anjitha Nair

Catching up with ATA’s interns: Anjitha Nair

Anjitha came to ATA by way of TX Votes at UT Austin in 2021. She was integral to the formation of our #TXLegeMondays, Legislative strategy and so much more!

1. What was one thing you learned while interning for ATA that you still use in your current professional life? 

The skill of condensing “jargony” information to make it accessible and digestible to the general public is a very good skill to have, and I learned that skill during my internship at ATA. Managing the social media operations for ATA during the 2021 TX Lege session helped me learn how to condense long pieces of legislative text into short social media posts. This skill can be transferred regardless of what field you go into, and I’m glad I got hands-on practice in my ATA internship.

2. How did your interning experience help prepare you for the professional world?

The internship showed me the power of public-private partnerships and the importance of engaging people who are less civically engaged. I now work as a Public Sector Consultant, and I see firsthand the importance of engaging the public and private sector to solve important yet challenging problems in the world.

3. Looking back on your experience, what is one vital piece of information you would give to me and future interns?

Sarah is your BFF. Do not hesitate to bring your ideas to her. She is always open and willing to hear your ideas, and she empowers you to do the work that you’re interested in and passionate about. She supported me through many of my social media campaign ideas, and it gave me the confidence to go through with them. Our weekly calls were one of my favorite parts of our internships. She is so easy to talk to and work with and strives to create a great internship experience!

4. How important is civic engagement in your current role/where you’re living now/in your current situation/school/etc? 

Civic engagement is very important in my work. I’m working as a Public Sector Consultant and my projects involve engaging the public in the various government initiatives I work on.


Thank you Anjitha! 

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