As part of our policy agenda, Austin Tech Alliance advocates for:
- Transportation awareness by raising awareness of Project Connect. ATA will encourage the community to take action by giving feedback about the project, and educate members through blog posts and community events.
- Expanded transportation options by creating awareness of the transportation options in Austin.
Austin Tech Alliance endorses Prop A which will build a robust network of city-wide transit including high frequency and high capacity transit lines, including a new rail system.
Learn more about Project Connect at @TransitNowATX or visit
Austin Tech Alliance also endorses Prop B, which will help Austin build a world-class walking, bicycling, urban trail, and safe streets network within 6 years.
Learn more at @SafeMobilityATX or visit
Vote for Prop A and B in November! Remember, early voting begins on 10/13 and runs through 10/30.